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05/23/12 Dezhao Song presented "A Pruning Based Approach for Scalable Entity Coreference" at FLAIRS 2012
04/27/12 Jeff Heflin presented at the Dagstuhl Seminar on Semantic Data Management
04/12/12 Yang Yu successfully defended his disteration "Towards High Quality Semantic Web Data: Detecting Abnormal Data on the Semantic Web." We wish him all the best in his future endeavors!
10/7/11 Jeff Heflin, Dezhao Song, and Yang Yu attended ISWC 2011 in Bonn, Germany. SWAT presented two research track papers, two workshop papers and two posters in the conference.
11/12/10 Jeff Heflin attended ISWC 2010 in Shanghai, China in order to present "Using Reformulation Trees to Optimize Queries over Distributed Heterogeneous Sources," which was written with Yingjie Li. He also presented another paper by the tow of them in a workshop.
09/20/09 Hawk 3.0 has been released! It features new reasoning algorithm that handles cyclic axioms.
08/17/09 SWAT member Abir Qasem successfully defended his dissertation. Congrats! Dr. Qasem.
10/02/08 SWAT members Zhengxiang Pan and Abir Qasem will attend the  IEEE International Conference on Web Intelligence (2008) in Sydney, Australia.
08/18/08 HAWK Ver 2.0 is released. Optimized storage, improved performance, enhanced ABox reasoning and much more... Please download the latest build at our download page.
08/04/08 -08/07/08 SWAT director Jeff Heflin and member Abir Qasem attended the IEEE-ICSC 2008 conference in Santa Clara, CA. Abir presented "Efficient Selection and Integration of Data Sources for Answering Semantic Web Queries" in the conference.
07/21/08 -07/24/08 SWAT member Abir Qasem attended the IEEE CEC'08 and EEE'08 conference in Washington, D.C and presented "ISENS: A Multi-ontology Query System for the Semantic Deep Web" in "The Semantic Web meets the Deep Web" workshop.
11/27/07 - 11/29/07 SWAT member Zhengxiang Pan attended the ODBASE 2007 conference in Algarve, Portugal and presented "Hawkeye: A Practical Large Scale Demonstration of Semantic Web Integration" in the Scaleable Semantic Web System workshop.
11/11/07  - 11/15/07 SWAT members Fabiana Prabhakar and Abir Qasem attended ISWC 07 in Busan, Korea. They presented "Efficient Selection and Integration of Data Sources for Answering SemanticWeb Queries"  in the New forms of reasoning for the Semantic Web: scaleable, tolerant and dynamic workshop and "Benchmarking Reasoners for Multi-Ontology Applications" in the Evaluation of Ontologies and Ontology-based tools workshop. They also gave a demonstration of the Hawkeye knowledge base in the poster and demo session.
4/25/2007 SWAT members participated in the departmental poster competition and Zhengxiang Pan's poster won the people's choice award.
3/15/2007 Our colleague Yuanbo (George) Guo has successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis "Reasoning and Querying the Semantic Web - A Document-Centric Perspective." Congratulations George! We hope you continue to spread the wisdom of Semantic Web in Microsoft.
6/27/2006 HAWK1.5 was released, now supports MySQL!
6/5/2006 Our paper "A Requirements Driven Framework for Benchmarking Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems" was accepted in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering: Special Issue: Knowledge and Data Engineering in the Semantic Web Era
4/13/2006 Our paper "An Investigation into the Feasibility of the Semantic Web" was accepted in the AI and the Web track in AAAI 2006.
4/6/2006 Our paper "Large Scale Knowledge Base Systems: An Empirical Evaluation Perspective" was accepted in the Nectar track in AAAI 2006.
12/13/2005 HAWK 1.3 beta was released. It now supports PostgreSQL!
11/10/2005 SWAT members presented on ISWC 2005 and enjoyed Irish pubs.
10/13/2005 HAWK 1.2 beta was released
7/8/2005 Our paper "On Logical Consequence for Collections of OWL Documents" and "Rapid Benchmarking for Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems" were accepted in research / academic track on ISWC 2005.
6/5/2005 Our paper "LUBM: A Benchmark for OWL Knowledge Base Systems" was accepted in Journal of Web Semantics, Vol 3, Issue 2.
1/11/2005 Our paper "Adding Support for Dynamic Ontologies to Existing Knowledge bases" was accepted for presentation at ICEIS 2005.
12/20/2004 HAWK 1.1 beta was released.
12/04/2004 VPI build 3 was released.
11/10/2004 Our paper "An Evaluation of Knowledge Base Systems for Large OWL Datasets" won the best paper award at ISWC 2004.
6/15/2004 We received funding from the NSF for the project "Theory and Algorithms for Distributed Ontologies on the Semantic Web".