SWAT Lab, Lehigh University
A SHOE toolkit uses Microsoft Access® database system as its knowledge base. SHOE is a small extension to HTML which allows web page authors to annotate their web documents with machine-readable knowledge. SHOE makes real intelligent agent software on the web possible. For more information about SHOE, visit SHOE site.
Run MS Access version of Shoe Loader: Java ShoeMsAccess.SHOELoader
url dbpath
e.g. Java ShoeMsAccess.SHOELoader http://www.cs.umd.edu/projects/plus/SHOE/
Run MS Access version of Shoe Search: Java ShoeMsAccess.SS_Frame
e.g. Java ShoeMsAccess.SS_Frame c:\shoe.mdb
This software is provided under the terms of the GNU General Public License. See the license for details.